Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Do you study the MOON table when hunting?

As a full time student enrolled in a Wildlife class. My instructor who states he is a scientist stated " I never go by the moon table". My question was to the instructor ? The moon is full and the deer are nocturnal. Do you hunt early in the morning or later in the day? My instructor stated....Does not matter, I just hunt. I totally
disagree with him.. Prior to my hunt I study the weather forecast and most of all the moon table.. What is your opinion?


  1. never really thought about studying the moon table, but it makes great sense! will try it out on my next hunt!
    good luck with the new blog!
    you can visit me at

  2. You are absolutely a freaking NUT JOB !!!! Thank God that you were finally captured by Law Enforcement before more people were affected by your lies and deception. You have been using these blogs, Facebook, and other internet Social Media to meet men and then steal from them. You are currently serving 4 and 1/2 years for lying, deceiving and theft. You stole other peoples animal mounts, taxidermy work ( over 60 thousand dollars worth ) and were claiming them as yours. Why do you lie and deceive all of these people ???? It is my sincere hope that one day when you are released from prison that you will " sincely apologize " to all of these innocent people that actually believed that you hunted ( the only bucks that you've killed are no antlered button head yearlings ) , and that you were a professional archer and fly fisherman, when in fact, nothing could be farther than reality. You live in a " FANTASY WORLD " and your only " real objective is to find the next innocent victim. One thing is for certain. You are now in a cage wearing an orange suit and will be there for a few years. Hopefully single men are safe from you for a while at least anyway. And when you are released one day, I sincerely hope that you apologize to all of these people that believed you were the person that you portrayed yourself to be. What you really are is a " professional Con Artist " Good luck in prison or jail !!! You were finally exposed.

  3. Well, well, well. They finally gotcha ! Been a long time coming. All the lies, all the theft. You have lied your way in and out of bed with complete disregard for anyone who got in your way. All the friends that were loyal to you, you mowed down. You deceived and tricked your way through life. You will never be anybody except the pitiful slob that you are. I hope they never let you out, the prison system is where you belong. Rot away, dear.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
