Monday, November 22, 2010

Hunting on a full moon

Fellow bloggers I experienced  this past weekend "the full moon" while hunting ....Couple of Weeks ago my wildlife instructor at the college I attend stated the "full moon" doesn`t effect the wildlife and he would hunt the early morning following a full moon.. So I tested HIS theory. I hunted Friday morning- forest was very QUITE. Saturday- not even the squirrels were moving. I decided to hunt all day, still nothing. My argument to him was deer move nocturnal especially during a full moon. I do not believe you can get up early and hunt after a full moon. This weekend I hunted harder than ever..


  1. I have killed elk on a full moon. They hole up in heavy timber If you know how to still hunt and know the terrain it is the best time because they have to sleep sometime and if they are doing it during the day? Well on one hunt in particular I caught and elk sleeping. Um he never woke up.

  2. The moon ?? A blog ?? Really ?? Thank God you were apprehended by Law Enforcement and put in a cage for a minimum of 4 and 1/2 years for your lies, deceit, and stealing innocent mens taxidermy work along with many other personal items. You've used these blogs, Facebook and other internet social media sites to meet single men and then rob them. A hunter ?? Ha Ha Ha The only buck that you've ever actually killed was one yearling button head whitetail that any of your victims are aware of ( including your ex- husband of over 15 years ). On here you lead these people to believe that you are a hunter, fly fishing specialist and a professional archer. None of this could be farther from the truth. What you " really " are is an internet predator of single men. What is wrong with you ???? You live in an absolute " FANTASY WORLD " By the way, law enforcement is still trying to locate the 60 thousand dollars worth of taxidermy work that you stole from me along with tons of other personal property. At least you have a few years to think about your actions and it is my sincere hope that if and when you are released from prison or jail one of these days, that you will apologize to all of these innocent people on here that " actually believed " that you were the person that you portrayed yourself to be on the internet, Good luck in prison or jail !! Enjoy every minute of it. You have earned it.
